About Iqara Educational Institute

Welcome To Iqra Educational Institute

Welcome To Iqra Educational Institute

“Iqra” the First Commandment from Allah to his beloved Messenger “Muhammad (SAW)” is an order from the Almighty “to read”; the name of the institution was unconsciously taken up as Iqra. With the passage of time, we felt the mass of the task which undoubtedly gains inertia with time, we feel weaker and weaker to lift it, Had Allah not shown his Grandeur and Gratitude that blessed us to carry on. The school had a humble beginning of a few rooms for a few classes scattered in a few residential rooms of the inmates, the rooms that somehow exceeded their basic needs. The residents had just migrated to this new settlement of Bemina from varied corners and a few of them from far-flung pockets of the province of Kashmir. There were a few shops with a few countable articles in them scattered like feathers on the seashore. An educational institution in this area was a dream come true. We along with a few dedicated persons as our staff that we hired on a meager emolument that began the journey. Materially at that time opening a small shop of basic commodities was a preference to opening a school. I may say that everything is destined. There was nothing in our hands. We had no distinct demarcation for teaching and non-teaching personnel. Each person did all odds jobs always that too with dedication and enthusiasm. There were no barriers to time and such other things. In the evolution of accommodation, we have traveled exactly the same way as being evolved from early man to the Nano-Technology. From scattered rooms to barrack type of sheds and cut short to the exiting infra. Alhamdullih-e-Rabul-Aalameen. Great stones and heavy structures that go into the making of the foundation of tall buildings go below the ground level and remain invisible, but these structures keep the skyscrapers upright in odd and fair times. So there are many ineffable people who have been the foundation stones of this institution.

Iqra Educational Institute

3QMG+8QW, 60 feet road, HIG Colony, Bemina, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190018

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