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Asmat Jan


The students of the society are from time to time entrusted to us and we stand custodians to them. We are here to take care of them for their holistic and all-round development especially the most prioritised aspect of academics. This aspect is the main entrance to the world of their knowledge.We leave no stone unturned to lead them through this door. The world of knowledge is unlimited and vast full of stalls of interest for each and everyseeker of knowledge, but left unleashed and unguided the entrant will, if allowed to have a glimpse of each stall, finish his life in these glimpses and like a rolling stone will gather no moss. As we known each individual has an immense potential and capability of its own bestowed by the Divinity which needs to be diagnosed and child to be taken to that proper stall where he/she can open up and give vent to his/her potential and capabilities. We are at it since decades, doing the same job keeping in mind that we are answerbale before the all Powerful and all Knowing Allah on the day of judgement. So while entering the domains of the institution keep it in mind that you do not entrust us with this precious possession but you are entrusting it to Allah only.

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Who We Are

“Iqra” the First Commandment from Allah to his beloved Messenger “Muhammad (SAW)” is an order from the Almighty “to read”; the name of the institution was unconsciously taken up as Iqra. With the passage of time, we felt the mass of the task which undoubtedly gains inertia with time, we feel weaker and weaker to lift it, Had Allah not shown his Grandeur and Gratitude that blessed us to carry on.

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60ft road, SDA Colony Bemina, Srinagar 190018

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