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Ishtiaq Ahmad Koul


Asaalamu-Alaikum May the peace and blessing of Allah (SWT) be on all of you. The sanctity and dedication of the person concerned with the institution believe in the concept that "work is worship" as such they are always ready and willing to do any such job where they can help anybody in need, parents stand a witness to the fact that they have been always helped in pulling them out of the troubled waters by our staff. We are always there to listen to the grievances, troubles, and complaints of the parents with regard to their children in respect of discipline, academic, and other pedagogical concerns. People will hardly and scarcely find the administrative authorities seated in their cabins unless otherwise needed. One and all are always on the move to watch the proceedings by themselves. Our transparency with respect to accounts, salaries, fee structure, income and expenditure, selection of teachers, selection of books duties and responsibilities of teaching, nonteaching and administrative personnel is our pride. In short, our administrative structure and policies are open like a book. Hard times have put our staff on the anvil and they proved the test they dared the hard and tough times like flashfloods, lockdowns, and pandemics; "Hats off to them”. Patience is a precious jewel of human behavior. Our request to all those who enter the domains of the institution is to display this jewel and you will be taken care of wholeheartedly by us.

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Who We Are

“Iqra” the First Commandment from Allah to his beloved Messenger “Muhammad (SAW)” is an order from the Almighty “to read”; the name of the institution was unconsciously taken up as Iqra. With the passage of time, we felt the mass of the task which undoubtedly gains inertia with time, we feel weaker and weaker to lift it, Had Allah not shown his Grandeur and Gratitude that blessed us to carry on.

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60ft road, SDA Colony Bemina, Srinagar 190018

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